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Andreas Gustavsson: The truth about anti-semitism that the Sweden Democrats forgot to tell Israel

"As a Swede, as editor-in-chief of a newspaper that examines the SD and its representatives, I strongly recommend that Israel's politicians and citizens take this into account," writes Andreas Gustavsson, Dagens ETC.

"As a Swede, as editor-in-chief of a newspaper that examines the SD and its representatives, I strongly recommend that Israel's politicians and citizens take this into account," writes Andreas Gustavsson, Dagens ETC.

Bild: TT/Shutterstock

Dagens ETC

As a Swede, as editor-in-chief of a newspaper that examines the SD and its representatives, I strongly recommend that Israel's politicians and citizens take all this into account and ask themselves three questions:

A reliable party?

A movement to ally with?

A guarantor of safe Jewish life in Sweden?

Det här är en ledare från Dagens ETC.
Ledarsidan är oberoende med röd och grön politisk färg.

Jimmie Åkesson travels to Israel himself in the hope of being able to lift the country's labeling of the Sweden Democrats as having sprung from a neo-Nazi environment and therefore automatically excluded from all conceivable collaborations.

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