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Assa Traoré: ”We are not something you scrub the floor with”

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Dagens ETC

Despite the far-right threatening to take power in France, Assa Traoré, who became the country's biggest anti-racist icon after her brother was killed by the police, finds it hard to find the motivation to vote in the election.

"When we face racism, no one listens, but when they suddenly need us, they want us to stand up against the far-right extremists."

She believes the left has also contributed to the racism now sweeping the country.

Dagens ETC met her in Paris.

Read the interview in:

Swedish: Assa Traoré: ”Vi är inte något man skurar golvet med”

French: Assa Traoré: «On n’est pas des serpillères»

The year is 2016, and we are in a scorching hot July in the Paris suburb of Beaumont-sur-Oise. A young man is out planning his birthday with his older brother when the police suddenly demand to see their IDs.

Political crisis

Reported for defamation

Looked North African

France needs to acknowledge its role as an oppressor and colonial power
And today, the people are shocked, but we in the movement are not
In the newly formed left front, 'New Popular Front,' created to challenge Macron's party and the far-right National Rally, there are parties that have contributed to destroying our areas

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