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Her art used as ”proof” of terrorism

Zehra Doğan has won the Metin Goktepe Journalism Award, that she recieved last year from Fadime Göktepe (mother of Metin Göktepe, who was killed by the police).
Zehra Doğan has won the Metin Goktepe Journalism Award, that she recieved last year from Fadime Göktepe (mother of Metin Göktepe, who was killed by the police).

Dagens ETC

Yesterday the turkish regime shut down a large number of media outlets. Onur Erem, reporter at the turkish leftist newspaper BirGün, writes about the worsening situation for journalists in the country.

“Will they jail me first or you?” This was the question me and my girlfriend, journalist and artist Zehra Dogan, were asking each other jokingly a few years back. With each journalist arrest in Turkey, we started asking the question in a more serious way. She was afraid that I would be the first, because I already have two court cases and many other prosecutions. At the same time, I was afraid that she would be first, because Kurdish journalists are being targeted more often. Last week, she was arrested and put on pre-trial detention.

”Evidence of terrorism”

60 000 were fired

Compared books to bombs

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